My personal mission is to show as many people as possible how delicious food can be delicious, healthy, good for you and our planet. Plant-based food that is. 🌿 One meal at a time.
As a runner and walker I’m convinced that physical activity is good for body and soul. As fuel I prefer healthy nutrients. As a Frenchman, a food lover, I prefer delicious fuel… any style as long as it’s yummy! Italian, Lebanese, Indian, Chinese, TexMex,… 😋
Furthermore, I believe that organic produce are better for you than chemically grown and genetically modified foodstuff… And yes, eating local and seasonal products is ideal. 💚
As a father and citizen of the world, I pledge to make the world a better place; for my children and every fellow human.
With billions of us one the planet, let’s be mindful of our ecosystems, biodiversity. Let’s also respect animal life and our soil by eating more plants.
My conviction is that’s the only sustainable path. â™»
Welcome to the world, philosopher.
And with such a wonderful manifesto, what can go wrong? Hoping to read, see and experience much, much more from you.
In the meantime: great that you have found your journey. Hope to be able to walk with you for a long time.
[…] you have read my manifesto you already know my agenda: I want to seduce as many people as possible into adopting a plant-based […]